30th July 2024

Researchers in Oxford, UK have revealed that a new shingles vaccine could possibly delay dementia in patients followed up for 6 years of receiving the vaccine.
The shingles virus is the same as the chickenpox virus that can reactivate in later life to cause a painful, debilitating rash. The new Shingrix vaccine can help prevent shingles and is offered to people aged 65yrs and over in the UK. This study, however, showed an inadvertent beneficial effect and appeared to significantly slow the onset of dementia with a 17% decrease in diagnosis free time, which translates into an extra 164 days living without dementia.
This was only an observational study and more controlled studies will be needed but it's positive step.
If you would like to book in a for a shingles vaccine. Please email us at hello@healthklinix.co.uk or call us on 02476 016519.